You are welcome to ask your questions. Our friendly flooring experts offer you all the information you need to find the best solutions for your floors.

1. What is the difference between vinyl and laminate flooring?

It can be assumed that Vinyl and Laminate flooring are the same, but they are different in look, finished feel and their application. Vinyl products are resistant to water, so they are suitable for all floors such as bathroom and laundry, whereas laminate products are for living areas like lounge, dining, bedrooms, and kitchen as they are not resilient to water.

2. How to maintain engineered timber flooring?

The maintenance is easy but:

  • It needs regular removing of dust using broom or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brushing attachment.
  • Liquid spills must be wiped away immediately.
  • harsh floor cleaners can’t be used for Engineered Timber Flooring.
  • Use manufacturer recommendations of the product for cleaning.

3. Is engineered timber better than laminate flooring?

Choosing from these great products is totally up to your preferences and our experienced team will assist you with giving information about which product suits your flooring the best.

Laminate flooring can be a good flooring solution for kitchen as they are water resilient, and you can have a stylish living area with a budget-friendly flooring solution.

Engineered Timber flooring is also highly resilient and low maintenance. It offers more luxury to your living and workspace. It is traditionally stylish and timeless.